So it has come to our attention that some people need content. We can help you with this, be it copy, images, music, graphic art, or video.
To discuss your needs and our prices contact us: [email protected]
Southern Acts content for your personal use? Lets talk.
Using Southern Acts content without our permission is frowned upon here. We feel that our time and effort has some value to it, that is diluted when people just take and use as their own.
How much value is determined by the market. We feel that it must have a little value to it, that we lose when you share instead of like. We lose accountability, if you share, then it becomes your likes and your comments. We see using our content as stealing that from us.
On the other hand, where would I go if I wanted use of someone Else's intellectual property? To them would be the short answer. Is there a place to market use of content?
We're talking about marketing content... not content marketing which is different.
We'd say that offering the products and services is the first step... and we're doing that here with our content and content creation services.
To discuss your needs and our prices contact us: [email protected]
Southern Acts content for your personal use? Lets talk.
Using Southern Acts content without our permission is frowned upon here. We feel that our time and effort has some value to it, that is diluted when people just take and use as their own.
How much value is determined by the market. We feel that it must have a little value to it, that we lose when you share instead of like. We lose accountability, if you share, then it becomes your likes and your comments. We see using our content as stealing that from us.
On the other hand, where would I go if I wanted use of someone Else's intellectual property? To them would be the short answer. Is there a place to market use of content?
We're talking about marketing content... not content marketing which is different.
We'd say that offering the products and services is the first step... and we're doing that here with our content and content creation services.