Transgender living in south Ga.!
For the last few days I have just been shut down trying to find something to write about, what has happen here is that someone out there is trying to stop me from saying what I need to say. Every time I post something about transgenders I am getting spammed and getting negative feedback, why is this. What are you doing on my wall if you don’t like transgender people? Are you here only to give it your best shoot to shut me up, or maybe you are still in the closet and hate me for stepping out into the public?
I have been fighting this battle for the rights of anyone that says they are different, it does not matter to me why you call yourself different, what matters is that there are laws that are supposed to be there for us.
Yet this only applies if the people around you allow them to apply. So I live in an area where just because they hate gays and have this thing called homophobia.
(Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or
transgender (LGBT). It can be expressed as antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, or hatred, may be based on irrational fear, and is sometimes related to religious beliefs)
This is what we have to deal with here in south Ga. Every day when we step out into the public. This is the thing, I don’t owe anyone anything, I owe no reasons why I do what I do and I damn sure owe you nothing.
What I have, I have earned and what I have is mine to use the best way I see fit to use.
For over half of my life I have been trying to say something and fight against anyone that chooses to stand in my way.
When I look around to see if any of you are standing next to me, I find no one standing with me, why is that?
Why is it okay for me to lose everything in my life fighting for your rights, yet you never support me, or help me in any way, I am sorry if that is the way I feel, yet I cannot help that.
Is it because you are afraid of losing your job, your family, your home, your life? That is what has happen to me and it continues to happen every time I step into that world of homophobia.
We have had to start selling anything we have of value just to try and stay
We are transgenders and we live in a world of hate around us, we are kept down so we can never have a real chance at life such as you may have, why is that?
I have told myself that I am a soldier, a warrior, that I fight for the rights of many and yet I stand alone as I do this, I get no help from any group, or anyone. I have to pay for my own paper and ink; I have to pay for my gas to go and set up, just to say what I need to say. I see groups with all kind of support and help from so many, yet I see nothing to help me. Am I wrong for asking for a little help, am I wrong for saying I am in need of help, am I wrong for standing up for your rights to live free from all that hate? If so then maybe I am wrong for caring whether or not you have any kind of future at all.
You see what I do today, just might open the doors for you to live your way, but I guess you don’t care, you live in a closet and no one knows that you are there, maybe I should have done that same thing, maybe I should have not stepped into this world of hate and homophobia.
Maybe I am the one that should not care what you wear. My life would have been much easier if I would have stayed in the closet as well, but wait, how would that help anyone? It would not, if people like myself did not ever stand up and say enough with your hate and discrimination, enough with your cruel and unjust ways, nothing would have ever changed for the better, we would still have slaves and we would all still be worth nothing in their world.
I know that I am nothing but one soul trying to speak out here and I know that my life is worth nothing to you.
Yet I stand here and say what I feel I need to say just so that one day you will have a better way. I am sure there are reasons you hide in that closet, I know that it cost me everything I had when I stepped into their world of hate, but I did not let that stop me and I will use my last dollar to fight and say this, I will not stand for any kind of discrimination and hate against anyone that for one reason or another may be different, I will use my last breath of life to say, we need to stand together for this to work. What I don’t understand is how people give hundreds of dollars to a group just because they have a parade for gays to wear a skirt for a day, yet I fight everyone that I need to just to try and make all this work. What am I doing wrong? Why am I not getting any help?
So I have said what I need to say, and for some reason Have been chosen to fight this battle, if I must fight it alone, so be it, I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me, I don’t want anyone to lose anything because of me, I don’t want you to step out into this world of shit like I have done. Protect yourself at all cost, Let me be the one that they hate and let me be the one that they come after, let me be the one that they hurt in the end, because I am that soldier, I am that warrior and I am the one that stands in this battle for your rights to live as you need to live. I am not afraid for I have the power within me to say what needs to be said, I am the one with that courage to write what needs to be written, I am the one that stands up to all those that stand against our rights to live free here in America.
I have found that there are 53 known hate groups here in Ga., that’s a lot of hate and everyone of them hate gays, no wonder I have such a hard time getting my words out there for people to read, there are those that fight me here and out there just to try and shut me up. It would be easy just to let them win, but that would not be me in the end. As hard as I try and as much as it hurts, I just cannot sit here and not say a word, it is not meant to be for me, to just sit like their dog, I want to bark, and if need be I want to bite, if I have to. It is my destiny to fight and if need be to die standing up for what I think is right I will do so, because my life ended when I stepped out of that closet 30 years ago. I can only hope that one day what I have had to say will make a difference in someone’s life and that it will be for the better, so if you find yourself in any kind of doubt about what you are, be aware there is a lot of hate out there.
I guess I have said enough here for today, I am sure someone will hate this anyway, if you have gotten this far, thanks for being where you are.
We are the
Voice’s Of The Misfortunes
and we speak out against all hate.
But as transgender people, we speak out mostly for them.
Thank You all for reading what I write,
Transgender living in south Ga.!
For the last few days I have just been shut down trying to find something to write about, what has happen here is that someone out there is trying to stop me from saying what I need to say. Every time I post something about transgenders I am getting spammed and getting negative feedback, why is this. What are you doing on my wall if you don’t like transgender people? Are you here only to give it your best shoot to shut me up, or maybe you are still in the closet and hate me for stepping out into the public?
I have been fighting this battle for the rights of anyone that says they are different, it does not matter to me why you call yourself different, what matters is that there are laws that are supposed to be there for us.
Yet this only applies if the people around you allow them to apply. So I live in an area where just because they hate gays and have this thing called homophobia.
(Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or
transgender (LGBT). It can be expressed as antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, or hatred, may be based on irrational fear, and is sometimes related to religious beliefs)
This is what we have to deal with here in south Ga. Every day when we step out into the public. This is the thing, I don’t owe anyone anything, I owe no reasons why I do what I do and I damn sure owe you nothing.
What I have, I have earned and what I have is mine to use the best way I see fit to use.
For over half of my life I have been trying to say something and fight against anyone that chooses to stand in my way.
When I look around to see if any of you are standing next to me, I find no one standing with me, why is that?
Why is it okay for me to lose everything in my life fighting for your rights, yet you never support me, or help me in any way, I am sorry if that is the way I feel, yet I cannot help that.
Is it because you are afraid of losing your job, your family, your home, your life? That is what has happen to me and it continues to happen every time I step into that world of homophobia.
We have had to start selling anything we have of value just to try and stay
We are transgenders and we live in a world of hate around us, we are kept down so we can never have a real chance at life such as you may have, why is that?
I have told myself that I am a soldier, a warrior, that I fight for the rights of many and yet I stand alone as I do this, I get no help from any group, or anyone. I have to pay for my own paper and ink; I have to pay for my gas to go and set up, just to say what I need to say. I see groups with all kind of support and help from so many, yet I see nothing to help me. Am I wrong for asking for a little help, am I wrong for saying I am in need of help, am I wrong for standing up for your rights to live free from all that hate? If so then maybe I am wrong for caring whether or not you have any kind of future at all.
You see what I do today, just might open the doors for you to live your way, but I guess you don’t care, you live in a closet and no one knows that you are there, maybe I should have done that same thing, maybe I should have not stepped into this world of hate and homophobia.
Maybe I am the one that should not care what you wear. My life would have been much easier if I would have stayed in the closet as well, but wait, how would that help anyone? It would not, if people like myself did not ever stand up and say enough with your hate and discrimination, enough with your cruel and unjust ways, nothing would have ever changed for the better, we would still have slaves and we would all still be worth nothing in their world.
I know that I am nothing but one soul trying to speak out here and I know that my life is worth nothing to you.
Yet I stand here and say what I feel I need to say just so that one day you will have a better way. I am sure there are reasons you hide in that closet, I know that it cost me everything I had when I stepped into their world of hate, but I did not let that stop me and I will use my last dollar to fight and say this, I will not stand for any kind of discrimination and hate against anyone that for one reason or another may be different, I will use my last breath of life to say, we need to stand together for this to work. What I don’t understand is how people give hundreds of dollars to a group just because they have a parade for gays to wear a skirt for a day, yet I fight everyone that I need to just to try and make all this work. What am I doing wrong? Why am I not getting any help?
So I have said what I need to say, and for some reason Have been chosen to fight this battle, if I must fight it alone, so be it, I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me, I don’t want anyone to lose anything because of me, I don’t want you to step out into this world of shit like I have done. Protect yourself at all cost, Let me be the one that they hate and let me be the one that they come after, let me be the one that they hurt in the end, because I am that soldier, I am that warrior and I am the one that stands in this battle for your rights to live as you need to live. I am not afraid for I have the power within me to say what needs to be said, I am the one with that courage to write what needs to be written, I am the one that stands up to all those that stand against our rights to live free here in America.
I have found that there are 53 known hate groups here in Ga., that’s a lot of hate and everyone of them hate gays, no wonder I have such a hard time getting my words out there for people to read, there are those that fight me here and out there just to try and shut me up. It would be easy just to let them win, but that would not be me in the end. As hard as I try and as much as it hurts, I just cannot sit here and not say a word, it is not meant to be for me, to just sit like their dog, I want to bark, and if need be I want to bite, if I have to. It is my destiny to fight and if need be to die standing up for what I think is right I will do so, because my life ended when I stepped out of that closet 30 years ago. I can only hope that one day what I have had to say will make a difference in someone’s life and that it will be for the better, so if you find yourself in any kind of doubt about what you are, be aware there is a lot of hate out there.
I guess I have said enough here for today, I am sure someone will hate this anyway, if you have gotten this far, thanks for being where you are.
We are the
Voice’s Of The Misfortunes
and we speak out against all hate.
But as transgender people, we speak out mostly for them.
Thank You all for reading what I write,